Boat Island Insurance Agency is pleased to be able to offer you insurance coverage for boat. Boat Insurance Quote RequestFirst Name *Last Name *Date of Birth *(mm/dd/yyyy) e.g. 01/01/1970Age *Phone *Email Address *Location *St. CroixSt. ThomasSt. JohnPhysical Address Mailing Address Vessel Name *Year of Boat *Boat Make *Boat Model *Length *Hull Material *FiberglassAluminumSteelWoodOtherMax Speed *Flag / Registration *Number of Engines *OneTwoThreeTotal HP *Engine Manufacturer *Engine Year *Engine Type *GasDieselBoat normally kept *On a trailerAt a marina slipOn a mooringPlease Add Any Additional Information Below Attach Documents Please Verify the Information Above is Correct, then Click the Submit Button Below. Thank You. VerificationPlease enter any two digits *Example: 12This box is for spam protection - please leave it blank: